We are thrilled to once again be a co-sponsor for TrustCon 2024. In addition to talks from our team and the happy hour we are hosting, please don't hesitate to come talk to us at Booth #7. We look forward to connecting with everyone.

Here's a detailed breakdown of where else you'll find us:

Monday 7/22

4:10pm: Building & Launching AI Safety Practices

Kathy Baxter (Salesforce), Rahul Kapoor (PwC), Patrick Gage Kelley (Google), Sean Pyne (Discord), Glen Wise (Cinder) 

AI is all the rage. But with an onslaught of executive orders, regulation, and executive-level ambitions, how are AI leaders anticipating harms, planning for risk, and building practices that enable AI to behave as its intended? This panel of AI Safety experts will share their perspectives on how they're approaching the challenges and risks associated with AI development and deployment. From translating emerging regulations and frameworks (e.g., EU AI Act, NIST RMF) into practical requirements, to bridging AI safety thinking across policy + product + engineering, proactive behaviors will shape the successful development and adoption of AI systems.

Tuesday 7/23

2:50pm: Stronger Together: Enhancing Trust and Safety Solutions through Collaboration with Engineering 

David Callies (Meta), Olivia Conti (Twitch), Daniel Sun (Reddit), Sam Freeman (Cinder), Lucia Harris (Match Group), Bayview B room

While becoming more common place, it is currently a rarity to find engineering teams exclusively dedicated to Trust & Safety. Even in organizations where such teams exist, it is rare for them to be sufficiently large to provide bespoke support for problem areas. Made up of both leading Trust & Safety experts, and seasoned Trust & Safety engineers, this panel will discuss the interplay between engineering teams and the rest of a Trust & Safety organization.

This session will look at the challenges that are faced across these collaborations. Panelists will share success stories and challenges, offering practical insights into integrating Trust & Safety strategies with engineering processes. Having both engineers and individuals working across the entire Trust & Safety org will enable diverse perspectives on overcoming the 'throwing over the wall' antipattern; examining ways to encourage collaborative problem-solving, and gaining a clearer understanding of practical and effective approaches.

2:50pm: An Engineer’s Perspective: Practical Considerations for Automating the NCMEC Reporting Process 

Tina Wu, Senior Software Engineer, in the Marina room

This talk is part of a two-presentation session running from 2:50 PM - 3:40 PM. The session will feature two presentations back-to-back, with Q&A after each presentation.

After talking to countless industry professionals to learn about current NCMEC reporting processes, I learned reporting to NCMEC is hard, both technically and operationally. This talk focuses on the technical challenges I faced while building a NCMEC integration at Cinder, and also addresses product tradeoffs and operational complexities of NCMEC reporting including how we stream upload data to NCMEC with continuous hashing and verification.

I will share insights and learnings from talking to experts on the complexity of child safety investigations. Then, I will dive into hard tradeoffs we’ve made about how much to automate and speed up resolution, and when human intervention and manual reporting is necessary. Lastly, I’ll also cover the role wellness features can play to protect the well-being of users.

5:30pm - 8:30pm: Happy hour with Accel

Wednesday 7/24

9:10am: Plenary talk with Cinder and Patreon
Chris Price, Patreon Product Manager, and Glen Wise, Cinder CEO, in the Grand Ballroom

Learn about Patreon's modernization push in its Trust & Safety processes, including tooling - the factors they considered, the goals they set, the outcomes they've achieved, and their vision for what comes next.

And be sure to find us at Booth #7. Our team is really looking forward to talking to any and everyone. We can’t wait to see you all there.

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