the CINDER Blog

Insights & Best Practices

Articles and stories about Trust and Safety
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Build vs. Buy: Trust & Safety Edition

Today, Trust & Safety teams have a robust set of vendor options and so face a question long-pondered by leaders in other areas of the business: whether to build or to buy.

How Our Team Puts Cinder’s Values into Practice

We put our company values – being empathetic, relentless, and intentional – into everything we do. But values without action mean nothing.

The Trust & Safety Funnel: A Framework for Product, Operations, and Policy

By recognizing and understanding the interconnected roles that policy, product, and operations departments play, teams will be empowered to enhance cross-functional communication, anticipate and prepare for downstream changes, and work together more effectively.

How Our Team Puts Cinder’s Values into Practice

We put our company values – being empathetic, relentless, and intentional – into everything we do. But values without action mean nothing.