the CINDER Blog

Insights & Best Practices

Articles and stories about Trust and Safety
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Engineering Insights: How fast data queries with django-zeal support content moderation in Cinder

We’re excited to publicly release django-zeal, a Python package used extensively at Cinder to supercharge database queries by detecting more types of N+1 queries, with more actionable error messages and advanced configurability.

Cinder Joins the Christchurch Call

Cinder is proud to join the Christchurch Call, a multi-stakeholder community established after the Christchurch, New Zealand terrorist attack in 2019.

Queues: Agility, Customization, and Automating Triage

We built Queues in the Cinder platform to be highly configurable. This post will look at how this flexibility enables faster process change and supports more automated reviews.

Trust & Safety: The Decision Spectrum and Organizational Structure

At Cinder, we conceptualize some of that complexity in the Decision Spectrum, a framework that describes a range of Trust & Safety decision types on a spectrum reflecting various levels of complexity.

Countering Terrorism on Digital Platforms

Digital communications platforms are part of the geopolitical battlespace - and that reality will test platforms in new ways. No company will balance all the considerations perfectly – that cannot and should not be our expectation – but those companies that prepared for these moments will manage better than those that did not. 

How Cinder Interviews Engineers

Engineers are at the center of everything we do at Cinder, so hiring people with the right skills to succeed at our stage of development is critical. Our engineering interview process is designed to identify those individuals.

The Trust & Safety Funnel: A Framework for Product, Operations, and Policy

By recognizing and understanding the interconnected roles that policy, product, and operations departments play, teams will be empowered to enhance cross-functional communication, anticipate and prepare for downstream changes, and work together more effectively.

How Our Team Puts Cinder’s Values into Practice

We put our company values – being empathetic, relentless, and intentional – into everything we do. But values without action mean nothing.